Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We are home.....safe and sound.  It's a bit of reverse culture shock!

I intended to update during our trip, but the blessing of rain in Niamey also brought very spotty wifi.  Tonight I will post my musings on the plane ride home.  After a bit of rest tomorrow, I hope to add pictures and a little bit more of our daily activities.

Niger Reflections....  

I signed up for an "arts and crafts with women" trip to Niger. I'm totally comfortable with that. I ended up trave3ling to Niger to evangelize to women weighed down by the oppression of the Muslim faith.  That is completely outside of my zone of comfort.

I knew I would see poverty stricken children. I hate that, but I know that opportunity does not present itself equitably around the globe. I can accept that and not feel paralyzed with guilt at the excess that is present in my world. I saw 2 day old babies with infected umbilical cords. I saw runny noses and eyes swarmed with flies. I saw too many umbilical hernias to count. I saw children sharing a handful of rice for their mid-day meal. I saw distended bellies. I'm having a hard time with that; my heart hurts and I feel guilty about my overly stocked pantry and freezer.

I knew I would see children without the toys and new clothes my children grew up with. I'm ok with that. My sons didn't have designer clothes and they didn't have all of the latest toys and games. They don't judge people by their material goods, and I count that a parenting success. I was surprised to see toddler girls in headscarves playing with naked little boys and children wearing only a tattered pair of panties.  I did not expect to see children playing "jacks" with a pile of pebbles, rolling and chasing old tires, drawing with sticks in the dirt, hacking up rotting fruit with machetes (toddlers), or lovingly carrying a dead baby bird with no head. I'm happy that children the world over will turn unlikely items into a favorite toy. I was pleased to see that much of our American "throw away" clothing gets repurposed in Africa.

I knew I would experience sanitary conditions I was not comfortable with and experience new foods. I never expected I would become proficient at squatting behind a bush while a donkey cart drove by.  I never knew how much joy I would feel holding the filthy hand of my little Madjeeto, for hours. I admit I didn't spend enough time rubbing my boys' backs as they lay across my lap, like Madjeeto did that day. I'm so ashamed I didn't recognize what a blessed opportunity that is to deeply pray for that child's future. I never dreamed that after spending an hour picking bugs and chaff out of pounds of rice, that I would enjoy eating a meal of rice, beans, and onions (with flaming hot Tonka seasoning sprinkled on top), from a communal bowl.  Just remember--right hand only.

I knew that speaking the name of Jesus has power. I didn't know how threatening that is to Satan, in a village he has claimed. It's creepy how often, when we left the old testament stories and voiced the name of Jesus, the goats in the courtyards all started bleating, the babies began to fuss, little boys started knock-down-drag-out fights, and the Islamic call to prayer would blast from the loud speakers; sometimes all at once.

I knew that, in my USA/ Kentucky/Bowling Green world, encouraging other believers through their struggles and in their faith is easy for me, but sharing the gospel is hard. That's no different in Niger.  But I can now share the gospel from Creation to Christ from memory, with words from my heart, no script. My favorite days were the 2 days we spent in Yourizey Koira where we encouraged and discipled the believing wives of a group of brave believing men.

I knew that many people, in the states, complained about being persecuted for their faith. I learned that they have no idea what persecution really is. I doubt any of them have to find a new place to live before they can be baptized because they know they will no longer have a home after they are baptized. I doubt any of them have gone to bed hungry because store-keepers in the village refuse to sell to them after they have publicly professed their faith.

I knew that I could, by God's grace, push myself to do things I didn't think I would be able to do. I didn't know how hard it would be to sit on the ground for hours on end. My knees, my hips, my back, and my neck hurt, a lot!

I knew that "God's word does not return void." I never knew how desperately I would cling to that promise when women told us they believed what we said to be truth, but their husbands would never allow them to publicly declare that and be baptized.

I knew that folk Islam and social Christianity were both present in our world. I never knew that hearing, "I'm a Christian; I go to church on Sundays," and "I am Songhai; I am Muslim," would sound so similar.

I knew that some of the best conversations amongst women happened when they were sitting, working on household chores together. I didn't know this was a universal truth. I didn't know that our sweetest conversations would occur while sitting on a mat, under a shady tree, stripping basil leaves off the stems. I knew I loved the smell of basil, but I never dreamed how many unpleasant smells basil can cover.

I knew that I signed up for this trip as a step on my path to obedience. I didn't know I would need to be reminded that obedience doesn't mean I'm responsible for the salvation of the people to whom I present the gospel. The Great Commission means that I will speak the name of Jesus to those in darkness. I am obedient by planting the seed. As one wise team member said, "Our goal is not to move lost souls from -10 to 10. Our goal is to move them from -10 to -9." We have to trust that HIS sheep hear HIS voice. I didn't know how clearly you could see in listener's eyes that they are hearing HIS voice.

I knew I would be blessed. I didn't know how blessed and how humbled I would be.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What we have in common

It's been a long day, two days actually. We left Bowling Green at 11am Sunday morning. We were a bit nervous about our flight from Nashville leaving on time because we only had an hour and 5 minutes to make our connection in Detroit. In Nashville we were informed of a new policy for international flights requiring the credit card used to purchase the tickets be presented at check-in. We sat, with our luggage, at the check-in desk until 20 minutes prior to our flight time. Our missions pastor was on his way to the airport and the airline agreed to let us board. we were told we'd be detained in Detroit if Jeff didn't show up, in Nashville, with that card. We ran to security and the zipper on my pants made the x-ray machine go "ding, ding, ding." Yes, I had my first full body pat down with 15 minuted to catch our flight. I turned down the option of a private room and got patted down in front of about 1000 other people going through security. We were the last ones on the plane and got lots of dirty looks. All of the rest of our connections went perfectly and exactly 24 hours after leaving Bowling Green, we arrived at the Guest House, surrounded by embassies, in Niamey, Niger. After unpacking and enjoying a wonderful meal with The Phillips, we are ready for a good night's sleep. During our prayer time tonight, I was struck with the things we have in common with the people of Niger. Niger is in year two of a horrible drought. A few communities had a really good early rain, this year, and got a good start with their crops. It hasn't rained since and the villagers have no money to replant. Does that sound at all familiar? Parents are worried that they will not have food and water for their children. Does that sound familiar? The literacy rate for the country of Niger is less than 15%. Parents want their children to learn to read so they can have a better life. Does that sound familiar? A few months ago I listened to an interview with Bill Clinton. He said, "Intelligence and effort are equally distributed around the world, opportunity is not." I believe this to be true. I look forward to meeting, this week, bright shining little children and the parents who love them. I look forward to telling them about God's love for them.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Final Prep Day

8.  I am so thankful for friends who know me so well that when I text, "Please pray," they know just what to pray.
7.  I am thankful this week is over.  I'm not one to wish away my life, but it was a pretty stressful week.  Our Teacher Leader meeting went well and several of the teachers had an opportunity to shine. 
6.  I started the process of being trained in Cognitive Coaching and discovered a couple of important things about myself.  I am not a good or patient listener.  I'm an "autobiographical listener."  I listen for opportunities to tell you about MY experience with YOUR problem.  I like to think my motive is pure--I want to give you a solution so WE can solve your problem and move on quickly.  I'm pondering that my motive might not be quite so pure.  Might I be trying to make YOUR problem and YOUR solution about ME?  That will take some more thinking and some more practice in listening.
5.  I love ATM machines.  I forgot to visit the bank yesterday.  We will be taking cash.  Surprise, surprise....craftsmen in the villages, in Niger, don't take Debit/Credit cards.  So, there will be a visit to the ATM today.
4.  Re-Pack.  Yes, that's what happens when you pack early.  I've changed my mind about which duffle bag to take, and a few clothing changes. 
3.  Today I'll pack make-up.  I'm only taking lipgloss and an eye-liner pencil.  Eye-liner is my "thing."  Some people won't leave the house without lipstick; I won't leave without eye-liner.  I will attempt to fit my toiletries in a quart sized zip-top bag.  Yesterday I realized I hadn't purchased a travel sized bottle of shower gel.  Apparently, AXE is the only company that makes travel shower gel.  I'm afraid I'm going to smell like a middle-school boy.
2.  I started taking my anti-malarial meds last night.  I probably should not have GOOGLED "How do anti-malarial drugs work?"  They do not work like a vaccine that prevents you from getting the disease.  If you're bitten by a "malaria mosquito," you're going to get it.  The meds keep the disease contained in your liver.  YES, I am taking super-duper DEET insect repellant wipes with me.  I believe I will bathe in them.

1. Can I ask you to pray for:  Travis, Trevor, Josh, Amanda, Brandi, Britney, Leann, Morgan, and me?  Please pray for traveling mercies, for our health, for our words to be inspired, for the ears who hear our words to be opened and hearts softened, for peace of mind for our families while we are gone, and for the Love, Mercy, and Saving Grace of our Lord to be shared.

This has been a 5 year journey to and of Obedience.  The decision to pursue Obedience has taught me several things.
1.  In the words of Pastor Jason, "You cannot know the WAY of God or the WILL of God unless you know the WORD of God."  My relationship with God changed when I began reading the Bible--the whole book.  Every other year I read through the entire Bible.  The alternate years, I read just the New Testament.  I have found life application in every single book.  I now see how the whole story fits together and can see Jesus in every book-- from Creation to Crucifixion to the Final Triumph.
2.  I know that God's promises are true.  I know that when I pray HIS promises back to him, it does not change God, but it reminds me that HIS promises were meant for me and HE keeps HIS promises.
3.  I have learned how to recognize God's messages to me.  Sometimes it is words in the Bible that I have never noticed before, sometimes it's the protective rise in anxiety that indicates I should proceed with caution, sometimes it is the outright conviction that causes me to think, "Yes, Lord, we've talked about this and Thank You for reminding me these words I'm tempted to say ARE NOT going to bring anyone closer to you."  Sometimes it is just a message that is imprinted on my heart.  That's so hard to describe, but the "sureness" and "rightness" I feel at those moments leave no room to doubt that the message is from God to me.
4.  Obedience brings blessings.  As I have focused on discerning HIS will for me, my family has been blessed and has blessed me, I have been blessed with good and Godly friends, my career has been blessed beyond measure.  And one of the greatest blessings has been the blessing of hindsight.  HE has allowed me to look back and actually trace the path from a simple decision to seek HIS will and be obedient in a relatively small situation, and watch it unfold to the large blessings I am now experiencing.
5.  Obedience can be relatively easy and the path recognizeable in some areas of our lives, but oh so hard and unclear in others.  I struggle mightily in those areas.  I am trying to apply my "lessons learned" to those areas of my life....keep reading HIS word, remind myself of HIS promises, listen for and thank HIM for convicting messages.

Meet My Guy

This fella here is My Guy!
My Guy saves lives for a living.
My Guy can build anything.
10 years ago My Guy married me and took on 2 boy children to raise.
My Guy loves rocks.
My Guy takes good care of his mother.
My Guy lost his father 19 months ago and still misses him terribly.
My Guy takes good care of my parents.
My Guy graciously accepted the title of Son-in-Law from my boys' grandparents, and he loves them as a Son-in-Law.
My Guy is messy.  He believes in picking up (maybe) when people are coming to visit.
My Guy loves to travel.  I say, "Honey, let's go _______," and he finds us a deal for a trip.
My Guy loves our dog. I tolerate him (the dog). Our dog loves My Guy, and tolerates me.
My Guy has learned to tolerate (and kind of even like) my cats.
My Guy doesn't get upset if I don't feel like cooking.   He takes me out.
My Guy knows EVERYONE.  I'm not kidding.  Everytime we travel, we run into someone he knows.
My Guy would talk to a fence post.
My Guy is an excellent teacher.  His EMT students pass their tests, get good jobs, and remember him forever.
My Guy couldn't live without his cell phone.
My Guy gets up in the middle of the night and goes back to work when they need him.
My Guy doubts himself sometimes.
My Guy does things like mow my BFF's daughter's yard just because it needs to be done.
My Guy can always fix my computer (even when I accidentally download malware).
My Guy has shown me how to use the tv remote a gazillion times and I still need help.
My Guy loves Jesus!
My Guy is far from perfect.
My Guy married a woman who is far, far from perfect.
I love My Guy!

Oh, Oh, Oh Sweet Child of Mine...

We interrupt this countdown to introduce my second son.

This child was born when I knew a little bit more about what I was doing...... I was not afraid to break this one.

This child was born one hour and 9 minutes after my first contraction and with no epidural.  This child love to be swaddled and "worn" by me.  This child only cried when he was hungry or wet.
This child was born with dimples and fat little legs.

This child loved high school.  He had good friends and they held each other accountable for living the words they professed to be true.  This child has faith. This child told me most of the things that made him happy, made him sad, made him mad, concerned him.  This child didn't tell me how much pressure he felt to get good grades and a scholarship, so he wouldn't disappoint me.

This child was determined, in some ways, to be different from his brother, but still went through high school as "Jacob Stevens' Little Brother."  This child knows himself well enough that he decided he needed to go "away" to college to become more independent.  This child made a wonderful decision to attend Northern Kentucky University.

This child loves college even more than he loved high school.  This child is conflicted right now.  He is HOME, but HOME is different once you've been away.  He misses his girlfriend, his fraternity brothers, and his independent life at NKU.  This child's mind is awakening to new people and new ideas.  This child is struggling with the hypocrisy and cruelty he sees in the world.  This child is right on schedule to experience these conflicts.  This child's parents are praying that he will never confuse the words and love of Jesus with the words and behaviors of some of Jesus' followers.

This child enabled me to say something special to someone yesterday.  While receiving training on "Cognitive Coaching," I noticed the nametag of the man sitting across from me said Alex Hall.  With an awestruck whisper, I asked, "Are you Mr. Hall?  from Greenwood?"  When he replied, "Yes," I said, "You changed my son's life!"  Mr. Hall is the teacher who inspired this child to desire to be a teacher--a highschool English teacher.  Mr. Hall made literature come alive and taught this child about writing for college.  Mr. Hall's face lit up and I remembered how much is means when a parent gives affirmation to their child's teacher.  He thanked me and assured me that this child will be a wonderful teacher.  THANK YOU, Mr. Hall!

This child will return to NKU in less than a month and this mother will miss him.  I'll miss the shoes on the floor in the family room, the empty cups and cans on the table next to the sofa, I'll miss the toilet set left up in the hall bathroom,  I'll miss the towels on the floor, I'll miss the discussions that take a little more cajoling than they used to, I'll miss the tap on the shoulder at 2:30am and the whisper, "I'm home Mom." 

I'll miss this sweet child of mine.  I'll send him off with our blessing and our prayers and be thankful that he is growing into an independent man.

Friday, July 20, 2012

What really matters today?

9. Shock.  Horror.  Disbelief. Why?  Why?  Why?  I have known people who were in such emotional pain that they considered taking their own lives.  I've never been there, but I can understand and sympathize.  I confess that I believe I could take a life if the life of one of my children or my husband was in danger.  I don't know if I could live with myself after, but I believe I could do that to protect them, and I understand those who might do likewise. What I cannot understand, fathom, wrap my mind around, is the well planned, intentional taking of innocent lives.  What kind of pain, abuse, disappointments, mental illness leads an individual to plan to massacre complete strangers?  Today, I join with our country, in prayers for recovery for the wounded and for family, friends, and loved to feel the very presence of God as he comforts them.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Continuing the countdown...

12.  Today I started packing.  We will pack our checked baggage full of our lunch & breakfast food and supplies for the missionaries will be visit.  Were you aware that canned chopped green chilies are not available in Niamey, Niger?  Mark and Parker love Mexican food so we will be taking plenty of green chilies.  There are many food, personal, and mission related items that are necessary to keep their family of four well and happy and keep their work effective.  We load up suitcases with those things.  All of our clothing and personal belongings for the trip go into our carry-on luggage.  My backpack and duffle will contain: 3 long skirts, 5 tshirts, 1 pair capris, 1 pair keen sandals, undergarments, head scarves, medicine, itty bitty containers of shampoo/toothpaste/deoderant/sunscreen, snacks, bible, journal, camera, charger, and ipad. Whoo!
11.  My hip hurts again.  I'm a little nervous about this.  A couple of months ago, my hip hurt so badly that I was convinced I would need a hip replacement.  Yes, I tend to be a little melodramatic.  I was eating ibuprofin and limping.  Surprisingly, it did not hurt when I ran; that helped.  It hurt a lot after sitting.  I mentioned this to my dear Chiropractor and he immediately found the muscle to blame.  It's not in my hip, it's a back-side muscle.  That explains the pain after sitting.  After some loosen-up-the-muscle-but-breathe-deeply-because-it-hurts-so-badly treatment, I bounced out of the office with no pain.  It's back and I have a lot of airplane sitting ahead.  Hope Dr. C can fit me in this week.
10.  This next week is one of the busiest of the year.  I will be busy setting up for and coordinating a 2 day training for 200 teachers, presenting at the conference, attending a 2 day in-depth training to learn how to coach teachers, and have commitments every night, as well.  My prayer is for focus, stamina, and gentleness (in word and deed) to all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

There will be no underwires in Africa

13.  I had some time to talk with two dear friends/colleagues today.  We usually pass in the kitchen or ladies room, but spend most of our time in our work building huddled over our laptops, in our cubicles, frantically researching new teaching strategies and adding animation to powerpoint presentations.  Today we got to sit at a table, in the back of a room, and observe.  That's like a little bit of heaven. 

We got to listen to and observe groups of teachers/administrators engaging in "Productive Struggle."  That's a hot new term in education in Kentucky.  The best analogy I've heard involves using your GPS.  I will confess right now that I don't do maps.  I'm one of those odd people who has to turn the map so I'm always headed "up," and everything in front of me is North. When MapQuest came out with driving directions that involved words & numbers, rather than pictures, I was one happy woman.  When I left the classroom last year, my dear husband (who LOVES maps) gave me a fancy GPS.  I plug in the address of schools in very remote locations, and simply follow that sweet lady's commands.  I don't get lost (well usually).  The downside of this amazing technology is that I have no idea how to get to these schools without the GPS.  I have followed directions well, but I have not learned how to find these places, myself.  I don't know the names of the roads, I don't know which county is west or east or north or south of my home.  If I had to get a map out, turn in this way and that, trace the path, write out those driving directions myself, and drive there a couple of times, I would learn my way around.  That's "Productive Struggle."  We have to struggle through things a few times to learn and to own that learning.  Back to our observations today.  Those teachers and administrators showed up with huge binders full of data and they will leave on Thursday with a few concrete goals for their schools and a plan to achieve those goals.  Today was day one of "Productive Struggle."

My colleagues and I are observing so we can help facilitate these sessions in the future.  While the groups are productively discussing/debating/struggling through their data, we have a bit of downtime to talk.  After talking about upcoming presentations and trainings for which we must prepare, my colleagues asked a few questions about my upcoming trip to Niger.  We talked about our purpose, geography, food, squatty potties, and clothing. I explained that I will have to wear a long skirt and a scarf on my head.  I explained that I will have access to laundry so I can get by with 3 skirts and a few tshirts.  I explained my undergarment travel trick--take the old panties with bad elastic and throw them away.  Then we discussed brassieres and the amazing wonder of ....THE SPORTS BRA.  I boldly declared, "There will be no underwires in Africa." That, of course, sent us into a fit of giggles, the kind of giggles that make your tummy hurt and your nose tickle when you try to keep them quiet.

I believe I'm getting used to this blog idea.  When we restored our decorum, my first thought was, "That will make a great title for a blog post!" (I believe that one deserves an exclamation point)

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Countdown Continues

15.  A professional colleague asked a question on Facebook this weekend about exclamation points.  Many very scholarly folks wrote scholarly answers about the very rare occasions when exclamation points should be used.  I left a cute little answer about the way those pesky little things keep sneaking into my writing because I write, rather than speak, to so many people.  When I write, you can't hear my inflection or see my eyes light up or see my head bob and weave.  I use exclamation points to try to give you that feeling.  The scholarly response following mine suggested that good writers use other means to give voice to their writing.  So, I'm currently uber-aware of my use of exclamation points....until I get to Africa.  Then, get ready.  Not only will I end every sentence with an exclamation point if I feel like it; I may do worse and use multiple exclamation points; I may even commit the ultimate crime and do the question mark/exclamation point combo. 
14.  We started a new Bible study this week:  Nehemiah-A Heart That Can Break.  Kelly Minter, the author, talks about reaching a really good "place" in her life, but... "The trouble was that despite all these blessings, I was battling a mounting discontentment:  I was that odd blend of utterly thankful while feeling as if a significant piece was missing from the scene that, if found, would give this remarkable landscape its fuller and truer meaning."  I have been so blessed and am so thankful.  It's wonderful to reach a point of contentment at this stage in life.  The contentment is also unsettling, though.  God has blessed me; now who am I supposed to bless?  Nehemiah had a heart of compassion and that is what I'm want.  I want to feel the responsibility that a heart of compassion dictates! (!!!!!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A few more pre-travel insights...

18.  Traveling with only carry-on luggage is liberating.  I love it, except for the silly travel sizes of liquids.  Don't get me wrong.  I've got no complaints with TSA and appreciate that they are keeping us safer.  It's just a pain to have to cram several travel sized shampoos, travel sized sunscreen, travel sized moisturizer with 50spf sunscreen, lipgloss, etc... all in one zip top bag.  Ok, now that I've typed that, it seems pretty ridiculous.  I'm FLYING to a place where people don't have enough food and I'm worried about shampoo samples. Duh!!!
17.  One of the gals going on this trip is a darling girl I mentored through high school.  Morgan just amazes me.  She went through some tough stuff in high school.  Her parents divorced and our dear friend and mentor, Lynne, died quite unexpectedly.  Morgan has traveled to Honduras (twice) and China to share the love of Jesus. My Morgan raises her own money for these trips, as a full time college student.  I'm so proud of her!  I'm excited to be able to see her "in action," learn from her, and share this experience with her.
16.  I have two big fears about this trip.  One is that I will forget the C2C story.  I'm scared I will talk about the law and prophets before Noah or totally skip over Satan deceiving Adam and Eve.  Travis assures us that Cephas, our translator, will just fix it for us and laugh at us.  That's reassuring.  My second fear is a little more personal and practical.  Out in the villages we will have to use squatty potties.  My horror at this (I have the smallest bladder in the world, I don't want to fall in, I don't want to tinkle on myself or my clothes, I don't want to be all by myself in there-but I don't want to potty in front of someone else, and Oh No--what about bugs and animals????) has me tempted to limit my fluids so I won't "have to go."  Given that the temperature will be around 100 (or higher) and very dry, this is not a healthy option.  While you're praying for my safety and for the hearts of those to whom we will minister, would you mind a quick little prayer for me to successfully use the squatty potties???

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Three weeks....

Three weeks from today, we will be in the air, somewhere between Detroit and Paris.  I am so excited, and this trip that has dangled out there in "the future" seems oh so real right now.  I have gotten all of my shots, will finish my oral typhoid vaccine tomorrow (that stuff causes the worst dry mouth I have every experienced), my food has been purchased (we take our own breakfast and lunch), and my clothes have been put aside.  What do I do now????  I continue to study the C2C (creation to Christ) story, continue to read the discipleship stories we will share, continue to pray for open ears and softened hearts, AND I begin a blog countdown.

Earlier this year I attempted to do the "Thousand Gifts" list of 1000 things I was thankful for.  I embraced the concept of Eucharisteo--"the celebration of grace and the recognition of the power of gratitude" (Ann Voskamp).  I have always been aware of the grace of God and, for years, have recognized and thanked God for the many blessings, large and small, that HE gives me.  I failed at the list. See, I'm a rule follower and a goal setter--it's that Wilkinson side of me.  So I did the logical thing and decided I would be thankful for 1000 things in one year and that means I would need to be thankful for 3.739 things each day.  I am flexible enough to round that up to 4, which gave me the flexibility of missing a day occasionally and the possibility of being an overachiever, reaching my goal early or exceeding 1000 gifts. (I know, I know, it's not attractive to be competitive with God!)  The problem was, there were days when I couldn't think of 4 authentic things to be thankful for, but I didn't want to mess up my system.  You'll be relieved to hear that I gave myself grace and I have settled into a "system" of recording my blessings, that works for me.

So, 21 insights about the trip in 21 days???  Nope...I'm going to surprise you... Who knows how many insights I will list each day and who knows if I will blog each day?  I'm going rogue!  I might just have to go into negative numbers...

21. I'm so thankful for my salvation.  If I were not a child of God, I would not understand the urgency of sharing HIS love and the hope we have in Christ Jesus, to lost souls.
20.  I'm thankful to be a member of a Missions Minded Church.
19.  I am thankful that my husband is supporting me in this trip, despite the fact that I hurt him deeply by saying I wanted to go on my own.  I'm thankful that he has forgiven me for hurting him!
18.  I am thankful that plans have changed.  What started out as a "crafts with the ladies" trip has, out of necessity, changed to a discipleship trip.  When the trip was planned, there were no female believers in the villages with whom we will work.  That has changed.  There are several brave women believers who are waiting to learn more of the bible, so they can share.